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Does Dehydration Really Increase Incontinence?

by Chad Reynolds

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Reviewed by: Missy Nolan

Can Dehydration Cause Frequent Urination? 

Does dehydration really increase incontinence and frequent urination? 

Do any of these circumstances apply to you?

  • You tend to go a little bit too long without drinking water
  • You live in a hot and dry climate
  • You have a health condition that causes chronic dehydration

There is a correlation between dehydration, poor bladder health, and incontinence. But how common is it? And could dehydration be the cause behind your own issues with incontinence? Let’s take a look.

Signs of Dehydration

When your body loses more fluid than you take in, you can become dehydrated. Water makes up two-thirds of your body weight, and the amount of water you lose can affect the severity of dehydration. Dehydration falls into several categories: mild (3% to 5% loss of water), moderate (6% to 10% loss) and severe (more than 10% loss). The more water you lose, the worse your symptoms can become. 

Pay attention to your body. You might be dehydrated if you notice the following signs:

  • Feelings of lightheadedness
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Having dark or strong-colored urine

It's easy to notice signs of dehydration in yourself, but it can be difficult to notice signs of dehydration in infants and others. Infants will often have a sunken soft spot on their head when they are dehydrated and may produce very little tears when they cry. The same can be said for the elderly. You may notice few tears when they cry or dry lips. 

Although you may expect dehydration to cause you to urinate less, it can be a factor in frequent urination.

The Link Between Incontinence and Dehydration 

Generally speaking, many people associate incontinence with drinking too much liquid in a very short amount of time. This makes sense, as the amount of urine your bladder has to hold increases with excessive water intake. This often results in more trips to the bathroom.

However, being dehydrated can also be a cause of incontinence. Not drinking enough water can result in highly concentrated urine in the bladder. When the urine inside the bladder contains too much salt, it can irritate your bladder and lead to incontinence. Drinking carbonated drinks like soda instead of water can also irritate the bladder.

Urinary incontinence is also prevalent among the elderly, especially among women. Many people notice their body starts to behave differently as they age. Their muscles may start to lose tension and may even start to spasm. This can lead to incontinence. 

Although drinking less water may seem like a possible solution to incontinence, drinking less water is not only bad for your body but can also exacerbate symptoms of incontinence. Your body needs water to function. Drink when you’re thirsty, and unless your doctor recommends otherwise, aim for eight glasses or two liters of water each day to be at your healthiest.

Often, incontinence is temporary. It's usually a symptom and not a disease. Once you've dealt with the underlying cause, you may not have to worry about this problem anymore.

In the meantime, there is a temporary solution to incontinence caused by dehydration, and it's simple — just drink more water. If your symptoms aren't alleviated, it may be best to see a medical professional.

How to Prevent Dehydration

Keep your body in the best shape possible by being mindful of its needs. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you suspect that you're dehydrated, you may want to drink more water to see whether your symptoms disappear. For example, if you suspect you're dehydrated but urinating frequently, drink more water and see if there's a difference.

You need to make sure you're not losing more water than your body can afford, which means you should highly consider doing the following to prevent dehydration: 

  • Wear sun protection. It's easy for the sun to draw out water from your body. Stay out of the sun whenever possible. Excessive exposure to heat can result in not only dehydration but also heat fatigue, heat stroke, and exhaustion. This can cause other physical and mental health symptoms to emerge.
  • Be cautious with alcohol consumption. Alcohol often causes more frequent urination. If you want to avoid being dehydrated, make sure you drink water whenever you go out for a drink. Pair a cocktail or a glass of wine with a glass of water. It'll help keep you hydrated and feeling your best.
  • Check medications. Some medications will cause you to urinate a lot more frequently. If that's the case, you'll want to increase your water intake substantially unless your provider advises differently. Make sure you learn all about the side effects of each of your medications. Talk to a pharmacist if you have any questions.
  • Drink lots of water. Last but not least, drink lots of water throughout the day. It can be easy to forget to drink water, so don't be shy and set a reminder on your phone. You can also consider eating more fruits to supplement your water intake. 

It’s rare for dehydration to result in chronic or constant incontinence, especially if one remedies how much water they drink. Incontinence that is long-lasting can be the result of any number of diseases and disorders, as well as pregnancy. If you're dehydrated but urinating frequently, it could be a sign that some of your organs are not functioning properly. It’s safe to say that incontinence caused by dehydration is temporary and often an easy fix. Just drink more water.

The Bottom Line

Does being dehydrated make you pee more? It absolutely can. Dehydration doesn't always equate to less urination. It's important to pay attention to your body and see what else it's telling you. For example, are you getting headaches? Is your urine extremely dark or do you notice an odd smell? 

The solution to this type of incontinence can be fairly simple. All you have to do is monitor your water intake and make sure you're drinking enough. While you're dealing with incontinence, prepare yourself by using Nexwear’s incontinence products. They're easy to use, affordable, and will be able to keep you as dry as possible while you stay active throughout the day. With our products, you won't have to make large changes to your life and can still go about your day as if nothing is wrong at all. 

We offer a wide range of selections that can cater to various needs and preferences. More importantly, we offer a monthly subscription that makes the shopping experience even simpler. You'll get 30 incontinence pads. Make sure they're the right size and we'll have the next batch sent out within 20 days, so you always have the products you need handy. Get the help you need and shop Nexwear today.



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