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What Foods Stop Frequent Urination

by Chad Reynolds


There's nothing more uncomfortable than going about your day with the constant urge to urinate. If the occasional sneeze has you running to the toilet, you've probably tried everything to put the irritation to an end. Thankfully, it may be as easy as switching up your diet. Certain foods place extra pressure on your bladder and trigger leaks when you least expect it, while others are gentle on the area and help prevent unwanted symptoms. Elevate your diet by incorporating certain nutritious foods that stop frequent urination and keep your bladder happy and healthy. 

What Foods Are Good for Bladder Health?

What you eat has a significant impact on the way your bladder behaves. Some foods act as diuretics, for instance, which cause your bladder to fill quickly and may lead to unwanted bladder leaks. Others put pressure on the area or cause constipation and strain. Thankfully, limiting or cutting out those foods can make a world of difference in everyday symptoms, but you don't have to give up everything you love in favor of bland or boring products. If you're seeking foods that will stop frequent urination and soothe your bladder, add these to your grocery list.

1. Fiber

High-fiber foods help prevent damage to your pelvic floor because they reduce constipation, strain and pressure in the bladder area. With less pressure, your pelvic floor can respond to your movements properly and hold back unbearable bladder leaks. High-fiber foods are also versatile choices that are easy to incorporate into any meal. Examples include potatoes, oats, barley, bran, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and chia seeds. Sprinkle some seeds into your morning smoothie, elevate your oatmeal with berries and cream, or add mashed potatoes to your dinner plate; obtaining your daily fiber intake should be a vital habit for anyone experiencing bladder leaks. 

2. Non-Acidic Foods

Foods and beverages that are high in acidity are especially irritating to the bladder because they can irritate the lining or distress the nervous system that controls your bladder. Both of these situations may cause unexpected leaks, so it's best to limit your acidic choices. 

Step away from caffeinated and carbonated drinks such as coffee, tea, and soda. Try avoiding alcohol, and do away with acid-heavy fruit juices such as apple, cranberry, grapefruit, and orange. This is especially relevant in the produce aisle, where many fruits are high in acidity. Avoid apples, peaches, strawberries, pineapples, and cranberries. Non-acidic favorites to add to your cart include pears, bananas, blueberries, and watermelon.

3. Foods With Vitamin D 

Since Vitamin D receptors are present in the pelvic floor muscles, low vitamin D levels are associated with increased prevalence of pelvic floor disorders and urinary incontinence. In other words, a lack of vitamin D3 may result in frequent bladder leaks. Spending some time in the sun may be enough to obtain your daily vitamin D supply, but supplements may be needed to obtain the proper dose. While shopping, look for vitamin D-enriched milk, juice, cereal, and eggs. 

4. Protein

Protein is essential to maintain muscle and hormonal regulation, which also applies to your pelvic and bladder muscles. Unfortunately, too much protein can act as a toxic offender in the body, potentially increasing your risk of bladder cancer. Likewise, people on high-protein diets produce acidic urine, so it's harder for the bladder to process. When consuming a lot of protein, stay properly hydrated to help dilute your urine and protect your bladder long term. Cut down the risks and improve bladder health by loading your plate with lean proteins, such as low-fat chicken, turkey, fish, and pork. These options are best broiled, baked, or steamed and are unlikely to irritate your bladder, especially if you purchase unprocessed options to avoid nitrates. 

5. Green Beans

Brimming with nutrients and easy on the urinary tract, green beans are a must-have vegetable for those who want to avoid bladder irritation. Versatile enough to incorporate into many dishes, these healthy beans are filled with vitamins A, C and K and plenty of fiber.

6. Fresh Herbs

Some herbs and spices, such as cayenne pepper, paprika, chili powder, and hot curry powder, can throw your bladder into a frenzy. While it's not uncommon for these popular choices to cause irritation, there are plenty of alternatives. Basil, sage, and marjoram are fresh herbs that can help replace condiments that lead to an irritated bladder. Replace those spicy peppers with something more subtle, and you may notice a difference. 

Some of the most bladder-soothing herbs include horsetail, which contains high levels of silica to strengthen the connective tissue in your bladder. Buchu is anti-inflammatory and may reduce the desire to urinate constantly, while crataeva strengthens and tones the bladder, making it less likely to leak.

7. Chamomile/Peppermint Tea

Foods for bladder health are important, but so is a healthy fluid intake. Stay away from carbonated and caffeinated beverages in favor of soothing teas such as chamomile, green and peppermint. These drinks also help rinse down foods that are tough on the bladder, making it a wise diet addition.

8. Nuts

Nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, and sunflower seeds are hearty sources of vitamins and minerals that protect and nourish the bladder. A pantry staple that's easy to take on the go, they're best fresh or lightly salted, as overly salted nuts have the opposite effect and trigger excessive urination. 

9. Whole Grains

Load up on whole grains such as barley, buckwheat, quinoa, oats, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread and cereals. These foods are high in fiber and help reduce pressure and strain on the bladder. Many of these items are likely already in your pantry. 

Do Away With Bladder Irritation

Routine irritation, leaks, and pressure can become frustrating if left untreated. However, modifying your diet has an impact on the way your bladder behaves and can help reduce stubborn symptoms. These foods stop frequent urination and are good for the bladder, making them a welcome addition to any meal. Plan ahead, and continue to cook the meals you love with some minor adjustments. By replacing some of the ingredients in your favorite recipes with foods that soothe your bladder, you may notice less frequent bladder irritation —  with a healthy diet to boot. 

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