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Post Void Dribbling

by Chad Reynolds


Post void dribbling, also known as post micturition dribble, occurs when you use the bathroom and a small amount of urine leaks, despite fully voiding your bladder. Although it’s more common in men, it can also affect women. Keep reading to learn more about this condition, its causes, and what you can do about it.

What Is Post Void Dribbling?

This condition, sometimes referred to as after-dribble, is usually not serious. However, it can be inconvenient. Those who struggle with an involuntary loss of urine may find it annoying and sometimes embarrassing to deal with, just like with all types of incontinence. Some women may notice leakage on their toilet seat or undergarments after using the bathroom.

Having certain risk factors can increase your chances of developing post micturition dribble. The most common include:

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Complications from surgery
  • Neurological damage
  • Regular heavy lifting
  • Health issues
  • Damaged or weakened pelvic floor muscles

Despite the uncomfortable nature of bladder leakage in any form, it's not something that should ever cause shame. Instead, speak to your doctor to discuss treatment options and take a proactive approach to manage your condition.  

Why Does It Happen?

Post void dribbling in women can be caused from some form of prolapse. It can also be a result of weak pelvic floor muscles, or urine getting trapped in a urethral diverticulum, which is a pouch-like herniation in the urethral wall. With this condition, some urine slips into the pouch every time it passes through the urethra to exit the body. The pouch fills and eventually overflows, and the urine leaks out. This is why post void dribbling is most likely to occur after urination.

In other cases, this type of urinary dribbling in a female happens when urine pools in the vagina while urinating and dribbles out after you've finished. If the bladder does not empty completely during urination due to bladder irritation, this can be another reason you experience post micturition dribble.

This condition can occur if you don't take your time when using the toilet and get up too soon, thinking you are finished. Give your pelvic floor time to relax and let your bladder fully contract to completely empty.

Lastly, some people have physical or mental disabilities that cause them to be unable to sit upright on a toilet, contributing to post micturition dribble.

What Can You Do About It?

The good news is there are ways to manage urinary dribbling. The first step is to schedule an appointment with your doctor to rule out any underlying conditions. There are two main methods that your doctor may use to diagnose post micturition dribble: a physical examination including an internal and external assessment of the pelvic floor muscles or an ultrasound to check the bladder is emptying properly.

Once your doctor has assessed the problem, you can start to use various techniques to lessen the severity of the condition or eliminate it completely. Learning how to navigate the condition is another important step. For example, Nexwear's bladder leak pads are an excellent way to catch unexpected leaks and protect your clothes. They are discreet and allow you to avoid worrying about having an accident, so you can continue your day without disruptions.  

Aside from using bladder pads for your comfort and peace of mind, you can follow some techniques to minimize your symptoms. With your doctor's guidance, you may find training exercises, which tighten and tone your pelvic floor muscles, are a good place to start. Improved muscle tone helps give you more control over your bladder and offers greater support to your bladder and urethra. You can also try this double-voiding technique at home:

  • Tip your bladder forward by sitting on the toilet with your feet elevated on a stool and your forearms resting on your knees.
  • Close your eyes and practice diaphragm breathing. This process helps your pelvic floor muscles relax and lets the urine out.
  • Stand up and then sit back down on the toilet once you've stopped peeing. Repeat the first two steps.
  • Do five Kegel exercises after you've completely stopped peeing to remind the bladder it's time to relax again. This step helps improve the coordination between your bladder, pelvic floor, and brain. It also allows those with prolapse or a pouch to let that last bit of urine shift over the urethra and release. Remember to check with your medical team before trying new exercises, including Kegels.

At this time, there are no effective drugs or surgical treatments for this form of incontinence. However, working with your doctor, doing the technique above, and strengthening your pelvic floor are all likely to help you manage the condition more effectively for minimal upset to your daily routines.

There Is Still More to Learn About Post Void Dribbling

Post micturition dribble is not common in women, but it is worth researching as it affects an estimated 8.5% of females, and premenopausal and perimenopausal women may be more likely to experience it. Age, body mass index, and genital hiatus length influence whether this condition affects postmenopausal women.

These findings help researchers learn how urinary dribbling happens and what they can do to treat it in women. By strengthening your pelvic floor muscles, you may be able to better manage the situation. 

While working with post micturition dribble, take control of your symptoms with bladder leak products to guard against leaks and protect your clothing. Nexwear has you covered with pads and underwear delivered right to your door for the ultimate convenience and discretion. 

Shop Nexwear Today for added assurance, so you don't have to wait to feel confident, while you seize control of your urinary dribbling.

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